- Athanasius AD 293-373; Greek parents of Alexandria, Northern Africa
- Constantine AD 306-337
- Edict of Milan AD 313, authorizing Christianity
- AD 321 the Patriarch Alexander called a Synod to deal with the teachings of the presbyter Arius of Antioch
- Athanasius in his mid-20s was a deacon serving Bishop Alexander during the synod.
- “There was a time when he [the Son] was not”
- The Son is not begotten of the same essence of the Father
- The Son is a creature
- The Son is the first and most exalted creature
- The Son may only be called “God” as an extension of God (modalism)
- His will is created and fallible. Therefore, the Son could commit sin.*
- 318 bishops at the council (“318” in Greek = TIH symbolizing “the Cross & Jesus”)
- Emperor Constantine presided (voice without vote)
- Bishop Ossius of Cordoba was the advisor to the emperor
- Nicene Creed adopted after much debate
- Arius exiled – AD 326
- Alexander, the Patriarch died AD 328
- Athanasius became bishop Alexandria AD 328
- Arius returned from exile AD 334
- Athanasius exiled AD 335
- Definition of Chalcedon AD 451 affirmed and further clarified the Son’s full humanity and full divinity
*Regarding impeccability & immutability of Christ: Jn 8:29; 1 Peter 2:22; 1 Jn 3:5; 2 Cor 5:21; Hebrews 4:15; 7:26; 13:8. Also: Constantinople II, AD 553
The Greek Fathers – Adrian Fortescue
The First Seven Ecumenical Councils – Leo D Davis
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma – Ludwig Ott
Ye Are the Body – Bonnel Spencer
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