Introduction1. Who is the author?
Apostolic authority is assumed. John writes as a father (Jn 2:1, 12 & 18)
2. To whom is he writing? (compare Rev chs 2 & 3)
3. When were these epistles written?
4. Why were they written?
5. What is Gnosticism? (see handout: “Heresies”)
6. What is Docetism? (see handout)
Regarding the conflict between flesh and spirit, see Romans 7:13-8:11.
1 John Chapter 1 [corresponding verse are in brackets]
[1] What other book of the NT does this chapter remind you of? (Jn1.1)
[1,2] How do the senses play a part in John’s witness?
Why would John stress these senses? Faith is founded on evidence.
[2] What is John’s role? (See Jn 1:34; Jn 3:11)
[3] Do you see a theme/s?
[3] What kind of fellowship does John describe?
[4] Why is John writing this?
See also Colossians 1.9-14
This will be answered more fully later (see 1 Jn 2.1-14)
[5] What is the message?
From whom does the message come?
[6,7] What is a test for true fellowship?
Compare to Psalm 1.1
See also John 1.4-9
[8] What is sin? (Romans 1:18-32; 5.23-24)
[9] What is confession? (James 5.16)
See also Mt 18.18
Compare with 1 Cor 6.2-3
See BCP 447f
[9] What is the promise given?
[10] What would appear to make a liar out of Jesus?
Why does John say that? (1 Cor 5.21; Jn 8.7)
Compare: Romans 2:12-13, James 1:22
How should this attitude shape our witness for Christ?
1 John Chapter 2 [corresponding verse are in brackets]
I am writing to you . . .By this we know . . .
[1] How does John address the readers?
Why is he writing? See also verse 21
How is Jesus identified?
[2] What is “propitiation”?
[3] How do we know that we know Jesus?
[4&5] What is the dividing line been the “liar” and the one with “truth”?
See verse 21
[5&6] How is the love of God perfected?
How can the Christian know that he/she is “in God”?
Old commandment – new commandment[7] See Deuteronomy 5:10, 6:6f and John 13:34, 15:12-14
[8] How is it also “a new commandment”?
[9f] Love relates to _________ as hate relates to ___________.
See Is 5:20
I am writing to you . . .[12] To little children because . . . your sins are forgiven . . .
Compare with verse 1
[13] To fathers because you know him who is from the beginning.
To young men because you have overcome the evil one.
To children because you know the Father
[14] To fathers because you know him who is from the beginning.
To young men because you are strong and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one.
- What pattern do you observe in verses 12, 13 & 14?
- What does that pattern signify?
Little children = teknion affectionate term to a dependent/student
Father/s = Pater those with responsibility/authority
Young men = neaniskos a youth; vigorous and lively
Young children = paidion infant children; those under instruction
Compare: 1 Cor 14:20
Evil one = Poneros Relates to evil that causes toilsome labor, pain and sorrow: Satan
Loving the World or loving the Father[15] What does “the world” signify?
Kosmos = order, arrangement, ornament, adornment – the human order in contrast to God’s order. Compare Rom 4:13; 1 Peter 3:3-4
- How does loving the world interfere with loving God?
- Compare and contrast John 3:16
[17] “Passing away” or “abiding forever” – see verses 24-29 & John 15:9-11
Warnings[18] What/when is the “last hour”?
How do we know it is the last hour?
What is the difference between “The Antichrist” and “many antichrists”?
[19] What is the evidence of an antichrist? See verse 22 [handout via Biffi+]
[20] How have we been anointed?
What does that anointing produce?
[21] Truth vs. Lie. Compare with verses 1, 4, 26 & 27
[22] The definition of “antichrist” is one who denies __________&___________.
[23] In light of Scripture and the Gnosticism (heresy) of John’s, how does John emphasize the doctrine of Jesus relationship to God?
How does that compare with Christianity’s current condition?
See John 3:16-21 & 14:6-7
Confidence through Abiding[24-29] As John summarizes this section, notice the relationship between:
Writing (Scripture), Abiding (Fellowship), Anointing (Spirit) and Righteousness (obedience) in opposition to Lies (Satan/evil/disobedience)
[26] See Gal 1.8; 2 Tim 3:1-7; Jude 1.4
[27] Who is “trying to deceive you”? See 2 Tim 4.3-4; 2 Pet 2.1-3
How do we receive this anointing? See 2 Cor 1.21-22
RE: “his anointing”, see Lk 3.22; 4.18
[28] RE: “abide in him”, compare with “dwell in the land” – Ex 25:8; Dt 30.20; Psalms 23:6; 27:4-5; 37:3; 61:4-5
[29] RE: “He is righteous, see Rm 3:25-26
What is righteousness? See 2 Cor 5.21; 1 Jn 1:9; 3:7 (Contrast 1 Jn 3:4)
Righteousness (“rightwiseness”) denotes the character of being right or just – whatever conforms to the will of God – W.E. Vine